Welcome to AIDeskPro registration page

By filling out the form below, you will provide us with the necessary information to activate your AIDeskPro license.
We remind you that the license must be associated with a person and not with a group (e.g. Sales@…). Within 8 working hours, the User will receive the activation email of the license. In case you have technical difficulties during the activation phase, please contact support@opengate.biz. Thank you!

Please provide us with your data. You will be responsible for the Sign Up procedure. In the next section, you will also provide us with the email of the person who will use AIDeskPro.

Please provide us with the email of the person who will use AIDeskPro.

If you wish to purchase additional licenses, you can easily do it by contacting us at sales@opengate.biz or by clicking on “contact sales” in our page on Google Cloud Marketplace. Thank you!

When sending, please read the PRIVACY POLICY